These are the colours of Herefordshire, the land locked county in which my studio sits.
Following my process of engaging with found clay soils, my instinct is to make pinch pots - a test revealing clay content.
I work where I find the clay. I do not screen or filter the rich, red and sticky earth.
Brought back to my studio, the dry pots are refined before they are wood fired inside my cob oven.

Netherwood pinch pots @ Netherwood

Netherwood pinch pot @ Netherwood

Netherwood pinch pot @ Netherwood

Netherwood pinch pot @ Netherwood

Firing Netherwood Pinch Pots

Firing Netherwood Pinch Pots

Fired Netherwood Pinch Pots

Fired Netherwood Pinch Pot

Fired Netherwood Pinch Pot

Fired Netherwood Pinch Pot

Fired Netherwood Pinch Pots